Monday, May 16, 2011

Miracle Pill

Miracle Pill by Tres Prier Hatch

(Summary taken from the back book cover) "Television and restaurant chef Tres Hatch lost 110 pounds without dieting. This bonafide "foodie" shares the '10 Truths' she learned during the process of changing herself from a person who battled her weight to someone in harmony with her body--without sacrificing her love for yummy food."

Since I just reviewed "Turbocharged" I was interested to see the difference in the two books. And, wow, what a difference! They are completely different! "Turbocharged" asks you to give up grains, dairy, and sweets for the rest of your life. I knew I couldn't do that. "Miracle Pill" teaches moderation and compensation. Ms. Hatch has a fun style of writing. It is very easy to read and understand, and it is filled with personal anecdotes. I really like the concept of this book. Ms. Hatch teaches a lifestyle and thought change. If you want to eat Thanksgiving dinner, she says, then go ahead. Then the next day cut out sweets and carbs and eat mostly fruit and veggies. If you want a bagel for breakfast, go ahead, but then maybe don't have a roll at dinner. She teaches you to look at the food you eat and recognize what you still need to eat (more whole grains, more fruit, more veggies) or what you have had enough of (I don't need to eat another grain because I had toast at breakfast, etc.). I like it because it is more me. I can do this. I can add more fruits and veggies (which I did say I could also do after I read "Turbocharged") to the meals I make, and I can help my family be more healthy. Her focus is being healthy for the rest of your life.

Ms. Hatch also has a great idea with exercise. Moderation. She says all you need is moderate exercise 5 days a week, for 30-50 minutes. She walks and then will add a short jog in the middle of her walk. She asks you to make sure that your exercise program is something you will be able to do until you are 80!!

I really like that this book is easy to follow and do. She gives a lot of examples and even has some good recipes at the back of the book. She makes this more into a workbook giving places to fill in answers and write goals and steps down. It's not just about losing weight, it's about being healthy. And, she even suggests you have one treat a day!!! That's the best part! I think this is more my style and will definitely be implementing this in my life and with my family.

Rating: G It's family friendly and clean!

Recommendation: Late middle school and up, unless the entire family is reading it and implementing it together. I don't like stressing younger kids out about their weight, unless they are truly obese and need to take efforts now. This book isn't just about weight though, it is about being healthy. It is great for the entire family to do together!

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