Tuesday, June 28, 2011
The Compliment Quotient
The Compliment Quotient by Monica Strobel
(Summary taken from the back book cover) "Learn how developing the one, simple practice of giving compliments boosts your joy, and sustains and enlivens all of your relationships--especially with yourself. You can achieve: a greater sense of well-being and joy in your daily life , deeper connections with your loved ones, more positive impact in the world, and rekindled romance."
I really liked this book. Ms. Strobel's style is simple and easy to read, yet it is packed with information. I really like the idea that just adding more compliments in your day can change the atmosphere of your home (or wherever you are). It seems so simple, but according to her you can achieve a lot with just that one thing. Ms. Strobel gives many examples in the book, which I liked, and thought it made the book more personal. I liked the breakdown of the book, and that she not only said to do it, but showed you how to do it. It is broken down into relationships as well, which is great because I don't compliment my husband the way I do my son or my father. Ms. Strobel just makes it seem so easy! My one complaint (if you can call it that) is that it is written more towards women. I like that it is geared more toward me, but at the same time I think it would be great for men to read as well.
I have been trying to add more compliments into my day and it is harder than it seems. When you walk into the kids rooms and they are messy, then you walk down the stairs and trip on toys, and then you go to the door and find shoes everywhere, it is hard to find compliments, but when I have held back my complaints and complimented instead it has changed my attitude. I have a long way to go, but I really like the idea.
Rating: PG-13 (No language, she does talk about husband and wife relationships, including "physical intimacy." It is clean, just helping to enhance that relationship.
Recommendation: Married and up (just because it does talk about that relationship between husband and wife). I think it would be great to discuss with children and teach them about compliments and how to give them, but I wouldn't have them read the book until they are older.
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