Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Birds Can Fly and So Can I

Birds Can Fly and So Can I: A Giraffe Soars from Dream to Reality by Noa Nimrodi

(Summary taken from the back cover) "A delightful giraffe has a lofty dream--to fly in the sky with the birds. Will her dream remain a vision, or will it--along with her other undiscovered talents--soar to reality?"

This is a fun little story with a big lesson to be learned: you can make your dreams a reality if you work hard and keep a good support group around you. This lesson is sometimes hard to teach because you don't always see an end result as quickly as you might like. Ms. Nimrodi's book allows children and adults to talk about achieving their dreams while reading together. Children can see that sometimes we may have dreams that really are impossible (like a giraffe flying), but it is still okay to dream. While dreaming we may find other talents we have and we can use those talents to help others and to make our other dreams come true.

I recommend this story to parents, children, teachers, and anyone else who has ever dreamed of doing the impossible.

Rating: G (Clean!)

Recommendation: Great for all ages, birth to 100+!!

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