Monday, February 13, 2012

Gregor and the Curse of the Warmbloods (Book #3) by Suzanne Collins

(Summary taken from the inside book jacket) "Book Two left off with Gregor reading the Prophecy of Blood: a prophecy that calls for Gregor and Boots to return to the Underland to help ward off a deadly plague. But this time, Gregor's mother refuses to let him return to the Underland...until the rat Ripred assures the family that Gregor and Boots are just needed for a short meeting, which the crawlers will attend only if their "princess" Boots is present. Gregor's mom finally relents, on the condition that she go with them. The Underland plague is spreading, and when one of Gregor's family is stricken, he begins to understand his role in the Prophecy of Blood, and must summon all his power to end the biological warfare that threatens the warmblooded creatures of the Underland."

This book has all the suspense and action that the previous two books had, and the story takes an interesting turn. Of course there is the prophecy that they don't really understand until it all happens, and some lingering questions, even then. It is a fast, easy read and definitely a page turner. A new Overlander ends up going to the Underland, and that throws some twists and turns into the story. Gregor grows a lot in this book, I think. Which is good. I think he is starting to learn more about himself and find confidence in his abilities. At the same time, he is still a child, only 12 years old, and there are times when he acts like a 12 year-old boy. Which is annoying, but realistic. There are also some new characters introduced, and I ended up liking them a lot.

I find this series interesting, when compared to Suzanne Collins' other famous series "The Hunger Games." That series, of course, is not written for the same age group, but the messages of war and peace are quite different. In "Hunger Games" war is fought as a game. It is meant to entertain and teach a lesson to the spectators. They are to learn not to fight against their leaders. In "Gregor," war is fought for protection. It is also fought to gain something like a cure to a plague or to fight an evil creature. In this particular book, there is a message that war should be the last resort. Gregor has never liked his role as a warrior, and he has never liked fighting, but he has done it to protect himself and his Underland friends. He has also done it to gain something. In this book he begins to think about how war might not be the only option sometimes, but sometimes it is necessary. I don't like political statements in children's books, and this could be portrayed as one, but it is not overly bearing and works in the book. But, I know my 10 year-old didn't quite catch all of that, so it may be a mute point anyway.

I liked this book. It is repulsive in some spots (the plage is nasty), but overall I enjoyed it. There is some fighting violence and characters do die along the way. This series may not be for a cute, timid little girl, but she might still enjoy it. My 10 year-old boy loved it and finished all the books in a matter of a couple of weeks. I also enjoyed it. There is no language and no "physical intimacy."

Rating: PG+ (There is a war, with fighting, the plague is really disgusting and nasty, and characters do die.)

Recommendation: 3rd or 4th grade and up. My 10 year-old, 4th grade, loved it.

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