Sunday, March 11, 2012

Common Denominators for Success by Kenny J. Anderson

(Summary taken from the back book cover) "For centuries people have sought to find the secret to achieving lasting success. Common Denominators for Success reveals the seven universal formulas for getting the results you want from life. Whether you are pursuing a lifelong dream or wish to develop deep, meaningful relationships, enjoy optimal health, or make the most of your time and money, application of these seven timeless principles holds the key to reaching your full potential and turning your dreams into reality. Ordinary people in all eras have achieved extraordinary results as they have applied these seven powerful formulas. Now is the time for you to live your dreams and get the results  you want!"

If you search my postings for self help books you will see that I have read a few of them. I've read weight loss books, compliment books, eating healthy books, and even some business books. This book is one of the best self help books I've read. It is easy to understand and motiviational. Mr. Anderson makes it seem so easy! He does say that it won't always be easy, but I finished it and was ready to change the world! I know I'm not quite there yet, but it actually has been really helpful. I have had a really hard time finding a good balance the last few years. I'm a stay at home mom, and I could clean my house 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and not be finished. It's crazy! So I loved the balance part of this book. I also loved how it applies to everything! Not only does it help me find a good balance to family/cleaning/husband/me/etc. time, it has helped me to remember who I am. I know that sounds silly, but after ten years of being at home with children, I've kind of forgotten that I am smart, that I had a career, that I have a college degree, and that I can be of worth in more places than just my home. Now, I'm still needed at home, and I will not be going back to work any time soon, but just remembering that I have potential helps me keep perspective.

I love the sections on keeping a positive attitude. I'm always telling my kids that it is all about attitude. And now I have a source to cite to them! Here are a few quotes I underlined (yes, I wrote in a book......don't tell my kids): "Choose to surround yourself with positive influences that motivate and inspire you to greatness." Isn't that great??? I love it. "The world around us is a product of how we view it." Yes! And here is my source whenever a bad attitude enters our home: "The point is that it is not our circumstances in life that define us, but rather it is the attitude we maintain through those circumstances. We can't control what happens to us, but we can control how we react." Hahahaha....they'll never see it coming! Thank you Mr. Anderson!

I could go on and on.....those quotes were only on three pages. There are many more! I like how this book can apply to everyone and almost every situation: finances, relationships, goals, business, cleaning, achieving a dream, etc. No matter what it is you want, or want to achieve, these principles apply to it. I definitely recommend this book to anyone who wants to live a happier, more fulfilling life. So, yes, to everyone!

Rating: G Clean!

Recommendation: 12 and up. I will be sharing many of the ideas with my children, who are younger, but I think a 12 year-old would be able to read it, mostly understand it, and apply a lot of the principles. This could be a really good book to read as a family if your children are 12 and up. I think younger kids would get bored and not really know what to do with the information. However, the information is great for everyone, and can be shared in age appropriate ways with younger children as well.


Disclosure: I did receive a free copy of this book in exchange for my review. (Thank you Media Guests and Mr. Anderson!) However, this does not change my opinion of the book--all my reviews are honest.

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