Thursday, March 7, 2013

The Power of Starting Something STUPID

The Power of Starting Something STUPID by Richie Norton

(Summary taken from an email sent to me by the publicist.) "Where would the world be if the most successful and innovative minds throughout history gave up as soon as their ideas were deemed unconventional or illogical? Is it possible to achieve success from a “stupid” idea?
In The Power of Starting Something Stupid, Richie Norton redefines stupid as we know it, demonstrating that life-changing ideas are often tragically mislabeled stupid. What if the key to success, creativity, and fulfillment in your life lies in the potential of those stupid ideas? This deeply inspiring book will teach you:
  • How to crush fear, make dreams happen, and live without regret.
  • How to overcome obstacles such as lack of time, lack of education, or lack of money.
  • The 5 actions of the New Smart to achieve authentic success.
No more excuses. Learn how to start something stupid—the smartest thing you can do. Drawing on years of research, including hundreds of face-to-face interviews and some of the world's greatest success stories past and present, Richie shows you how stupid is the New Smart—the common denominator for success, creativity, and innovation in business and life.
Wow! Have you ever had an idea that some people said was stupid? I think we all have! Well, then this book is for you! It is so well written. It is very inspirational and motivational. I love Mr. Norton's writing style. It is so easy to read, and as I read, I just felt like all my dreams were possible. He has a way of putting things that seriously made me think that all my stupid ideas could change the world. He lists example after example of ways that ordinary people have taken "stupid" ideas and have ended up having an impact in the world, or have ended up making a lot of money. I liked that he included some of his own experiences along with the experiences of other well-known people. They all made it sound so easy. The chapters on authenticity and service were my favorites. Mr. Norton said, "Truly being authentic is knowing what matters to you, on the deepest level of who you are, and committing always to act from that authentic center." How powerful is that? Yep, I underlined it. I underlined this one as well: "If your goal is to be authentic, you need to understand your inherent worth." And this one by Napoleon Hill: "It is literally true that you can succeed best and quickest by helping others to succeed." I could go on and on.
I've had my "stupid" idea, and you're reading it! (Thank you!) My stupid idea is still quite small, but I hope that someday it will allow me to have a greater impact on what parents think is appropriate for their children to read. I hope that more authors will realize that they can write fabulous books without the profanity and other questionable material. I hope children will realize that they don't need to read adult books until they are adults, and even then.....sometimes it's better to not read them at all. And, it would be great if my stupid, little idea would allow me to pay for my book and shoe addictions. :)  With the help of this book, I think I'm a lot closer to my dream becoming reality. I highly recommend this book! It truly is an amazing book. I couldn't put it down.
Rating: PG (It's clean!)
Recommendation: 12 and up. I think this would be a great book for the younger readers. Let's teach our kids that by working hard they can make their dreams a reality! I don't think children younger than 12 would really care, that's why I put it at 12.

I have a free copy of this book to give away!!! It's an advanced reader's copy. If you would like to enter to win, this is what you need to do:
1. Comment below what your "stupid" idea is, or if you've had a "stupid" idea become reality. If you are posting as anonymous, please write your name on your comment.
2. You get an extra name in the pot if you "share" my facebook post on this book (You need to let me know in your comment here, so I know.).
That's it! At the end of the weekend I'll put all the names in the pot and draw one out! I'll announce it Monday (3/11/13) morning. Good luck!!!
Disclosure: I did receive a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.  


  1. I was living in Utah when I was pregnant with my daughter in 1990. She was my first child, and I didn't understand the seriousness of morning sickness until this time. I lost 40 pounds between the time I conceived and the time she was born! I threw up almost everything I ate, but there were two things that stayed down. The first was chocolate cake batter, and the second was pizza crust. (Not cheese, or meat, or sauce -- just the crust on the outside.) My husband would go to the Little Cesears behind our apartment building and ask them to make a "crust-only pizza, and slice it into rows." (Nowdays we call them 'breadsticks.') I told my husband that this would be a popular and marketable idea! He didn't agree, and he convinced me I was wrong. Well, I was right and someone else is rich.

    - Mary in Oregon

  2. Congratulations Mary!!! You are the winner of the book give-away! Thank you for sharing your "stupid" idea, and tell your husband he owes you a whole lot of breadsticks for not believing in your idea! If you could leave another comment with your address (it won't be public) then I'll mail this book to you! Thanks for reading my blog, and happy reading!
