Believing Christ by Stephen E. Robinson
(Summary taken from the book jacket) "In Believing Christ, Stephen E. Robinson eloquently discusses the marvelous news of the gospel: what Jesus Christ has done for us. Using examples from people's lives and modern-day analogies and parables to illustrate scriptural principles, he explains the doctrines of atonement, grace, justification, salvation, and perfection so clearly and understandably one need never be confused by them again. 'The good news of the gospel is good news to me not because it promises that other people who are better than I am can be saved, but because it promises that I can be saved--wretched, inadequate, and imperfect me. And until I accept that possibility, ...I have not really accepted the good news of the gospel.'"
I remember when this book came out and everyone read it and said how good it was....except for me. For some reason I never read it, and I wish I had. This book is amazing! My whole life I have felt guilty about not being able to do everything in the gospel perfectly all the time (let's just say...family history). After reading this I felt a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. I now know that it is okay if I'm not perfect at family history right now as long as I am doing my best. As long as I try my hardest and do my best, and continually stretch myself just a little, then I know I will be okay. Wow. What a relief. I might go so far as to say this book is "life changing." He puts it in so many ways that if you don't understand it at first, by the end you will because there is an example that would relate to everyone. I wish I had read it years ago!
Rating: PG (It's a little deep for younger readers, but I would still let them read it.)
Recommendation: 12 and up. And yes, I would have everyone read it! I loved this book!